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Frequently Asked Questions:

What should I put in my child’s bag?

We suggest you have a small dedicated bag for your child for preschool with a spare seasonally appropriate change of clothes. This bag is placed on your child’s hook and will go home at the end of each day.

What do I need to supply?

Parents/Guardians are asked to provide nappies, wipes and cream that are clearly labelled. If a comforter such as soothers, blanket or soft toys is required, please feel free to bring this along too.

How do we promote health at Kilbarrack Foxfield Community Preschool and Afterschool?

We promote healthy eating and provide a healthy snack for each child daily. Parents do not need to supply food unless their child has allergies/intolerances. Milk and water are available to drink daily.

Children are encouraged to wash their hands before snack and meal times. We promote self-care by encouraging use of tissues, toileting care and appropriate disposal of waste items etc.

Our Senior preschool room take part in the HSE toothbrushing programme, we also invite their dental health team to promote healthy eating habits and oral hygiene with all age groups.

Do you cater for special dietary requirements/allergies?

Parents/guardians may be asked to provide snacks where a child has allergies/ intolerances. If your child has any health requirements or allergies, we will devise a Care Plan with you for your child e.g. Epi-pen or inhaler usage.

Do you have a settling in period?

We work with each family according to their individual needs for settling your child. This usually comprises of short days to allow your child to settle independently and confidently, building up time as their confidence grows. We want to make your child’s settling period as easy as possible for you and your child. All children are welcome to bring any comfort items like a blanket or soother they might need. Parents should be prepared to be close at hand in these initial days in case their child is upset.

How am I informed about my child’s time at Kilbarrack Foxfield Community Preschool and Afterschool?

We use an online App with an individual log in. TeachKloud is a pre-school management software that serves staff, parents, and families. It creates an immersive and interactive parental experience, allowing teachers and family members to connect and communicate on individual experiences of children, as soon as they happen. Parents and families use the TeachKloud parent app to share and receive information about their child’s care and development. They can securely share and receive videos, images, use instant-messaging, sign documents, view their child’s school policies, complete enrolment forms, pay bills, and much more.

Do the children get outside to play?

We have a fully equipped outdoor play area with all weather safety surfaces. Wellies are provided by you and kept in the centre. We provide rain leggings if needed. All ages have daily outdoor play.

Can I come and view the centre before enrolling my child?

We encourage all prospective parents/guardians to come and visit our centre. We appreciate this is an important decision for you and your child we want to make sure that you are satisfied to .have your child in our care. We organise group visits for preschool families in June each year and can organise individual visits if requested.