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We offer two preschool sessions per day:

• Morning session (8:20am – 11:20pm)
• Afternoon session (11:40am – 2:40pm)

Our calendar operates on the primary school calendar 38 weeks per year.

Junior Preschool: This room caters for children from 2 ½ years encompassing First Year ECCE. The ratio for this room is 1 adult to 11 children. (maximum 22)

Senior Preschool: This room caters for our Second Year Preschool Students, in their final year before going to primary school. Some children may move up to this room earlier or later in the year, depending on their age, stage and other circumstances. The ratio for this room is 1 adult to 11 children (maximum 22).


We offer free ECCE (no fees required) places to children that fall within the required dates of birth. Places are also available for children who do not qualify for this scheme. The fees for non-ECCE places are outlined below. Fees are not payable during school holidays. The fee for 2 year olds is €60 per child per week and for 3 year olds (before eligibility for the ECCE scheme) is €50 per child per week. The fee is higher at 2 years due to the increased level of personal care as well as lower ratios, which require more staff for fewer children. Sibling/twin discounts are available.