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Early Education

Our Team

When you choose Kilbarrack Foxfield Community Preschool and Afterschool you can be assured that those looking after your child have been handpicked through a rigorous recruitment process and have been chosen for their caring attitude, playful natures, qualifications, experience and also for their genuine love for children. Our early years educators are our greatest resource. We take pride in our very low staff turnover rates, ensuring you and your child are with consistent and familiar people throughout their time with us.

In addition to Training in Early Education, all staff are qualified in First Aid at multiple levels, Manual Handling and Always Children First Child Protection. We also have a number of other certifications that are not required by regulation, but that we choose to undertake as part of best practice and through our commitment to ongoing professional development. All staff are Garda vetted and reference checked, as are all students who might undertake work experience with us.

Kilbarrack Foxfield Community Preschool and Afterschool caters for work experience and placement students in transition year, in LCA, and studying their Level 5, 6, 7 and 8 qualifications. We have students working with us throughout the year. They are all under supervision by both our team, and their academic tutors.

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Management Team

Lynnette Monk has been the Manager of our service since March 2020. She is qualified to degree level in Early Childhood Education, with multiple other qualifications and an ongoing passion for learning. She gained a great deal of her experience in Community Childcare over the past 25 years and strives to support children and parents/guardians throughout their time with us, Lynnette is our Inclusion Coordinator and has studied Leadership in Inclusion with Mary Immaculate College in Limerick. Lynnette supports the staff in their classrooms supporting quality and learning, she is the sole administrator in our service overseeing our participation in government schemes and manages the general day to day operation of every element of our service. She is passionate about creating an inclusive preschool environment which supports every child to develop to their fullest! Lynnette is available 8.20-2.40 weekdays at the preschool or by email at any time.

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Deputy Manager

Deputy Manager

Karen Burton is the Deputy Manager of our service and also a teacher in one of our rooms. Karen is qualified to Level 6 in Early Childhood Education. Karen has been a member of the team for over 20 years. She has extensive experience in the sector and believes in free-play, positive child-adult interactions, sensory play and she facilitates lots of large scale, interactive child-led art projects. Karen is passionate about children’s exploration of natural environments – getting lost in science, nature and other exciting things through messy play. The messier, the better!!!

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Early Education

Our Preschool Team

Our team are committed to providing the best for each and every child in their care. They have all undertaken various levels of training in Early Education from 5 through to 8. This combined with their vast experience (some are over 20 years with our service) provides a consistent and loving environment for your child to flourish in. We undertake weekly planning and development to ensure we meet the needs of every child. Ongoing training is highly valued and our team are always engaged in continual professional development both in house and externally.

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Early Education

Our Afterschool Team

With a team Leader and 2 assistants our Afterschool team care for 24 children each day. With Qualifications varying from Youth Work to Childcare our team are primed to meet the varying needs of children 4-12 years. Just like with our preschool team ongoing training and development are paramount in School Aged Childcare too and our team engage in regular continued professional development.

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Early Education

AIM Team

This team of early educators assist our preschool team in meeting the needs of children who may require additional support. Unlike in schools our AIM support is not provided 1:1 unless a child has needs that require this. Instead our team reduce the ratios in the class in which they are assisting allowing targeted supports for children/groups of children by whichever member of the team is best trained/suited to meet their needs in an inclusive classroom. We aspire to help all children, regardless of ability to access quality early learning and care through the ECCE programme, and create a more inclusive culture in our pre-school.